Smart Grid

Smart Grid

Fast Facts on Smart Electricity Grids

1 What is Smart Grid

There are various definitions, but broadly, they all refer the use of enhanced power equipment/technologies, monitoring devices (sensors) and communication systems to make the electricity grid observable (able to measure the states of critical grid elements), controllable (able to affect the state of any critical grid element), automated (able to adapt and self-heal from network incidents), user-friendly (two way utility-customer interaction) and environmentally friendly.

A smart grid combines the power of information technology and automation. It would enable two-way communication between consumers and power companies such that home thermostats and appliances would automatically adjust to take advantage of low-cost power periods. The smart grid conceptual model is shown in Fig. 1
Fig. 1: Smart Grid Conceptual Model
  2    Smart Grid Characteristics 
Based on the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) definition, a smart grid should comprise the following characteristics:

2.1    Enable Active Participation by Consumers

The smart grid consumer is informed, modifying the way they use and purchase electricity. They have choices, incentives, and disincentives which modifies their purchasing behaviour.

2.2    Accommodate All Generation and Energy Storage Options

The Smart Grid accommodates all generation and storage options. It supports large, centralized power plants as well as Distributed Energy Resources (DER), eg. solar panels, wind farms. As energy storage technologies mature, they will be an integral part of the overall Smart Grid solution set.

2.3    Enable New Products, Services, and Markets

The Smart Grid enables regulators, aggregators and operators, and consumers to modify the rules of business to create profit or cost reduction opportunities for market participants. Innovative products and services provide third party vendors opportunities to create market penetration opportunities and consumers with choices and clever tools for managing their electricity costs and usage.
 Fig. 2: Opportunities for New Products, Services, and Markets

2.4    Provide Power Quality for the Digital Economy

The Smart Grid provides reliable power that is relatively “clean” and interruption-free so that digital devices that power the productivity of our 21st century economy can run continuously.

2.5    Optimize Asset Utilization and Operate Efficiently.

The Smart Grid optimizes assets and operates efficiently so as to reduce cost. Routine maintenance and self-health regulating abilities allow assets to operate longer with less human interaction.

2.6    Anticipate and Respond to System Disturbances (Self-heal)

The Smart Grid independently identifies and reacts to system disturbances and performs mitigation efforts to correct them. It incorporates an engineering design that enables problems to be isolated, analyzed, and restored with little or no human interaction. It performs continuous predictive analysis to detect existing and future problems and initiate corrective actions. It will react quickly to electricity losses and optimize restoration exercises.

2.7    Operate Resiliently to Attack and Natural Disaster

The Smart Grid resists attacks on both the physical infrastructure (substations, poles, transformers, etc.) and the cyber-structure (markets, systems, software, communications). Sensors, cameras, automated switches, and intelligence are built into the infrastructure to observe, react, and alert when threats are recognized within the system. The system is resilient and incorporates self-healing technologies to resist and react to natural disasters. Constant monitoring and self-testing are conducted against the system to mitigate malware and hackers.

 3    Smart Grid Benefits

Smart grids are designed to bring about benefits for the major stakeholders comprising of consumers, utilities, and the society at large in the following ways:

•    Power reliability and power quality. The Smart Grid provides a reliable power supply with fewer and briefer outages, “cleaner” power, and self-healing power systems, through the use of digital information, automated control, and autonomous systems.

•    Safety and cyber security benefits. The Smart Grid continuously monitors itself to detect unsafe or insecure situations that could detract from its high reliability and safe operation. Higher cyber security is built in to all systems and operations including physical plant monitoring, cyber security, and privacy protection of all users and customers.

•    Energy efficiency benefits. The Smart Grid is more efficient, providing reduced total energy use, reduced peak demand, reduced energy losses, and the ability to induce end-user use reduction instead of new generation in power system operations.

•    Environmental and conservation benefits. The Smart Grid is “green”. It helps reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and other pollutants by reducing generation from inefficient energy sources, supports renewable energy sources, and enables the replacement of gasoline-powered vehicles with plug-in electric vehicles.

•    Direct financial benefits. The Smart Grid offers direct economic benefits as operations costs are reduced or avoided. Customers have pricing choices and access to energy information. Entrepreneurs accelerate technology introduction into the generation, distribution, storage, and coordination of energy.

4    Smart Grid Challenges

The migration from the conventional grid (one-way power flow from generators to end-consumers) towards the smart grid which enables two-way power flows and communication poses tremendous challenges, both administratively and technically. The areas of challenges are:

•    Transition to Smart Grid. The transition to the Smart Grid will be lengthy. It is impossible (and unwise) to advocate that all the existing equipment and systems to be ripped out and replaced at once. The smart grid supports gradual transition and long coexistence of diverse technologies. We must design to avoid unnecessary expenses and unwarranted decreases in reliability, safety, or cyber security.

•    Development of and Consensus on Standards. It is necessary to tap the expertise and insights of a broad group of stakeholders. The work is challenging and time consuming but yields stronger standards.

•    Development of robust Smart Equipment. Smart equipment refers to all field equipment which is computer-based or microprocessor-based, including controllers, remote terminal units (RTUs), intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). It includes the actual power equipment, such as switches, capacitor banks, or breakers. It also refers to the equipment inside homes, buildings and industrial facilities. This embedded computing equipment must be robust to handle future applications for many years without being replaced.

•    Communication systems. Communication systems refer to the media and to the developing communication protocols. These technologies are in various stages of maturity. The smart grid must be robust enough to accommodate new media as they emerge from the communications industries and while preserving interoperable, secured systems.
•    Data management. Data management refers to all aspects of collecting, analyzing, storing, and providing data to users and applications, including the issues of data identification, validation, accuracy, updating, time-tagging, consistency across databases, etc. Data management methods which work well for small amounts of data often fail or become too burdensome for large amounts of data—and distribution automation and customer information generate lots of data. Data management is among the most time-consuming and difficult task in many of the functions and must be addressed in a way that will scale to immense size. 

 5    Smart Grid Developments –Global Scan

The economic stimulus package announced by that President Barack Obama in Feb 09 includes a US$4.5 billion down payment on building smart grids. Calling the development of a smart electric power grid an "urgent national priority," the Obama administration further unveiled a set of 16 standards in May 09 to help ensure that new devices can send vital information to power suppliers. The new standards encompass areas including smart customer meters, distributed power generation components and cyber-security. Although the smart grid will be many years in the making, the development of standards is an important first step to guide the private sector in manufacturing products for smart grid use.

Over in Australia, the government said it would dedicate up to A$100 million (US$79 million) in the development of smart grid technology in 2009.

China, according to the Renewable Energy World, has plans to build a smart grid by 2020.

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How to Change Windows 7 Folder Color Easily

How to Change Windows 7 Folder Color Easily

How to Change Windows 7 Folder Color Easily

Today I am going to show you how to  Change Windows 7 Folder Color.Use Following steps.
 1.Download And Install Folderico.exe

2.Select your Folder & Right Click and Do following steps.
3.Then you can do as Following  steps.

 4.Your are finish change your Folder color as Following.

Enjoy...Put your Comments.
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How to Change Windows 7 Folder Background easily

How to Change Windows 7 Folder Background easily

How to Change Windows 7 Folder Background easily

Do you like change your windows 7 folder background like this.It is a small thing I`ll give you small software for it.
You can
 and use as following.






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Value Added Networks (VAN)

Value Added Networks (VAN)

 Value Added Networks (VAN)

 This my last post About Networks stay connected with this blog for new post. Value Added Networks Networks are developed,from an existing network,to provide a particular service for customers.The VANs most widespread use are for Electronic Mail and SMS,MMS on cellular telephone networks are another example for VANs.
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All XHTML Color Codes

All XHTML Color Codes

All XHTML Color Codes


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Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Networks

  A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographical area or region larger than that covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered y a wide area network (WAN). The term is applied to the interconnection of networks in a city into a single larger network which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide area network).
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Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

A network that provides communication services to a geographical area than that is served by a LAN or MAN,to cover an area of hundreds of thousands of miles,and that may use or provide public communication facilities.
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Directory Structure of Windows

Directory Structure of Windows

Directory Structure of Windows

All computer applications need to store and retrieve information and data that are created by users also should be stored and retrieved.The solution to all these problems is to store  information on disks and other external media units called Files. Files are method of store and retrieve of information from storage devices  with the help of an Operating system.

There are several file operations like Create, Open, Read, Write, Close, Delete, Seek, Rename, Set attributes, and Convert that can be done with the help of an Operating system.
In Windows like most of other Operating systems a file is identified with a File name and a File extension.

<File name>.<Extension>

Examples:Letter.doc, pic.gif, Account.xls,, Salary.class, win.exe, song.mp3, Profile.ppt, Voicel.wav, Printss.dll, Customers.mdb, Guide.pdf....and Shortcuts files ,etc....
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Local Area Networks(LAN)

Local Area Networks(LAN)

Local Area Networks(LAN)

 Local Area Networks are arranged within limited space such as in an office room,within building.The computers within a LAN are connected to a server that has applications and data storage that will be shared in common by multiple computer users.A local area network may serve as few as two or three users(for Example: in a home network ) or many as thousands of users(for Example: in an FDDI network).

A LAN server can store set of application programs,where users who need an application frequently can download it at once and then run it from their local hard disk.Users can order printing and other services as and when needed through applications run on the LAN server.A user can share files with others at the LAN server.

Stay tuned for next post about WAN.................
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About Networks

About Networks


 Hello hello... guys today I start my first post about  LAN WAN MAN VAN posts.stay tuned with us.So, what are they LAN WAN MAN VAN.These are Communication networks categorizes.Communication networks may be categorized in to four distinct groups depending upon the physical or geographical areas that they cover.These groups are :
  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)
  • Value Added Networks (VAN)

Basic communication are normally organized into a system or network and the design of these communications networks varies greatly depending upon  the general applications for which they are used.Different designs are used for different geographical,cost and operational requirements,which in turn dictate the type and range of equipment used.

Data communication systems are the electronic system that transmit Data Over communication lines from one location to another.

Previously telecommunications meant voice transmission over telephone lines.Today,much of telecommunication transmission is digital,from one computer to another computer.

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System Software

System Software

System Software

This  section covers all Operating System and other Utilities,which is a set of programs,which controls and contributes to the improvement of performance of the Computer and also System Software co-ordinates the various parts of the Computer System and mediates between Applictions Software and Computer Hardware.

These include Operating System,like Microsoft DOS,Windows 95,UNIX and NOVELL.

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Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange is the direct computer-to-computer exchange of standard business transaction documents such as purchase orders,bills of loading,invoices,and etc.EDI saves money and time because transaction can be transmitted from one information system to anther through telecommunication network,eliminating printing and handing of paper.EDI also provides some benefits like,customers or distributors to remain"Locked in" with the organization due to easiness of data exchange. 
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What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?

What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?
What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?
 The Apple Mac is a different type of a Computer based on a  different architecture,but it i not a PC.It needs some special Operating system to operate the machine and different kinds of Application Software.Mac OS is the primary Operating system of Apple Computer`s line of Personal Computers.The first version was released with the original "Thin" Macintosh(l.e the Macintosh 128k) in 1984.Mac OS also supports the Graphical User Interface feature with a different style.Apple has recently transitioned from its original code base to Mac OS X, a very different Operating System based on Unix and the Mac micro kernel.These computer are more suitable for Graphics and Animation work.
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Software Privacy

Software Privacy
Software Privacy

 Software piracy is making copies of software without the authors`approval.Software that has been produced with major investments may be available elsewhere at a fraction of the cost.This would create a major set back for the developer for not getting the income for what they invested.

CDs having no product key values,software license details,user manuals,low quality printed letters on the CD,and less price are some of the features that can be useful to identify forged software available on CDs.

Many measures have taken to overcome this matter,Copyright law is the primary weapon that is used to handle this problem
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The practice of medicine is based on diagnosis and treatment.A hundred years ago,the physician felt the pulse and came to various conclusions about illnesses.

He had only a few instruments to diagnose a disease.Within the last A hundred years, medical technology developed.Now the physician has sophisticated medical instruments to diagnose diseases.

X-ray machine that was invented in 1895, came into regular use.It was invented by Wilhelm Rontgen.With the help of this machine the doctors were able to see the inside of the body and diagnose diseases.In 1973 the CAT scan machine was invented.With this invention medical science was revolutionized.The patient is kept inside the machine and the body is scanned by X-ray.

The E.C.G machine was invented during the last century.It is used to find out how the heart works.The damage caused by a heart attack can be measured on this machine.

Medical technology continues to develop very rapidly.Today the changes of the body can be observed and measured.These findings are the key to diagnosing diseases and deciding treatment.

Medical science and technology has developed so much that surgeons transplant organs from one body to another.Kidney transplantation was first attempted in 1902.Today it is a well established operation.Heart transplantation was first performed in South Africa,in 1967.It was done by the surgeon,Christian Barnard.

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The Microprocessor

The Microprocessor
 The Microprocessor

 The Microprocessor is the brain of the computer,which is developed in many years using different technologies.A microprocessor also know as the CPU or Central Processing Unit is a collection of complex circuits on a single chip.The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004,Introduced in 1971.The 4004 was not very powerful,all it could do was add and subtract,and it could only do that 4 bits at a time.

The first microprocessor to make it into a home computer was the Intel 8080,a complete 8-bit computer on one chip,Introduced in 1974.The first microprocessor to make a real change in the industry was the Intel 8088,Introduced in 1979,and incorporated into the IBM PC(which first appeared around 1982). Then it evolved from the 8088 to the 80286 then to the 80386 then to the 80486 then to the Pentium then to the Pentium 2 then to the Pentium 3 then to the Pentium 4. All of these microprocessors were made by Intel and all of them are improvements on the basic design of the 8088The Pentium 4 can execute any piece of code that ran on the original 8088,but it does it about 5,000 times faster!

Coming soon about New Microprocessor post.stay connected with US

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Data Protection

Data Protection
Data Protection
The development of computer related processing and manipulation of data has crated a new value upon the data of business organization.The data,which are stored in computers can be easily used,altered or applied for somebody else`s purpose.The data protection prevents this by adopting Data Protection Principles and Data Protection acts. 

Data Protection Principles:
  1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
  2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes,and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
  3. Personal data shall be adequate,relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed.
  4. Personal data shall be accurate and,where necessary,kept up to date.
  5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purposes those purposes.
  6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
  7. Appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be taken against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction or damage to personal data.
  8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedom of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
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Dial-up Connection

Dial-up Connection
Dial-up Connection


When you use modem to connect to the Internet,you are using a dial-up
connection.Most dial-up connections through and ISP are either Serial Line Internet Protocol(SLIP)or Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) connections.

  • Serial Line Internet Protocol(SLIP)
A dial-up connections that allows a computer to connect to connect to the Internet over a phone line and use all the graphic Internet tools available.
  • Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP)    
An improved version of SLIP.If and ISP offers you a choice of a SLIP or a PPP connection,choose PPP.
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The System Security

The System Security
The System Security
  Hello visitors these days I post very useful posts to you. so, don`t forget give your comment and follow that posts.Now lets see what`s the today post today post is The system security.
    This is a to take care of Hardware,Software and Data of your computer in thee aspects.
Hardware(Physical) Security

This is to make sure that computer devices are properly used with care and also to prevent physical damages.This can be done by adopting;


  • A Suitable environment-A fitted air condition room with   no dust.
  • Fire alarms and smoke alarms.
  • Maintaining a report of serial numbers of devices,that can help to notify
  • Regular cleaning of devices to remove dust particles.
Software Security

To protect the software of the computer the following activities can be done;
  • Using User Logins and Passwords
  • Using and Updating Anti-Virus software programs
  • Backing up your computer using a  backup programs
  • Data Encryption-This is a process of converting data of a computer into some other from before sending to a another computer.At the receiving end data has to be decoded into a usable format.
 Enjoy stay connected future...........
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