Value Added Networks (VAN)

Value Added Networks (VAN)

 Value Added Networks (VAN)

 This my last post About Networks stay connected with this blog for new post. Value Added Networks Networks are developed,from an existing network,to provide a particular service for customers.The VANs most widespread use are for Electronic Mail and SMS,MMS on cellular telephone networks are another example for VANs.
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All XHTML Color Codes

All XHTML Color Codes

All XHTML Color Codes


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Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

Metropolitan Area Networks

  A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographical area or region larger than that covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered y a wide area network (WAN). The term is applied to the interconnection of networks in a city into a single larger network which may then also offer efficient connection to a wide area network).
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Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

A network that provides communication services to a geographical area than that is served by a LAN or MAN,to cover an area of hundreds of thousands of miles,and that may use or provide public communication facilities.
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Directory Structure of Windows

Directory Structure of Windows

Directory Structure of Windows

All computer applications need to store and retrieve information and data that are created by users also should be stored and retrieved.The solution to all these problems is to store  information on disks and other external media units called Files. Files are method of store and retrieve of information from storage devices  with the help of an Operating system.

There are several file operations like Create, Open, Read, Write, Close, Delete, Seek, Rename, Set attributes, and Convert that can be done with the help of an Operating system.
In Windows like most of other Operating systems a file is identified with a File name and a File extension.

<File name>.<Extension>

Examples:Letter.doc, pic.gif, Account.xls,, Salary.class, win.exe, song.mp3, Profile.ppt, Voicel.wav, Printss.dll, Customers.mdb, Guide.pdf....and Shortcuts files ,etc....
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