Microsoft Word Shortcuts

Microsoft Word Shortcuts

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How Solar Cells Work

How Solar Cells Work

Solar panels are composed of many small solar cells. Each solar cell uses light to generate electricity.

Every day we see the electrical work. When a person opens a light, electrons through the wire, a bulb. Electronic that is flowing is electricity.

Solar cells using light make electrons. The battery is by sticking together of two different levels. The first layer is equipped with an electronic, electronic is prepared from the layer to the second level. The electrons take a second. It is ready to take more electronic.

When light shines on the ground floor of the electron, the electron jumps to the second-tier. It makes e-another move, which makes other electronic acts, and so on. So began a stream of electrons, or electricity.

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Wireless Charging

Wireless Charging
How does work Wireless Charging 

At some point, it may look like days of our lives in the future. We have it, we can take in hand and uses it to invoke the information that is stored on your computer equipment of huge data centers around the world.

We can watch movies on a device, switch to another tool, picked up right where we left off. We can automate our homes to do a task, even though we were on the other side of the world.

But there's always a ringing alarm bells. Where is the Jetpacks? Where are the flying cars? Also, exactly how should we do the jerk cables?

One last question becomes more and more relevant, because we get more mobile devices. Smartphones, e-readers, tablet computers and portable music players are just the beginning. All of these devices require power to operate this means that sooner or later you will have to charge them. At this time, these cables are truly stimulating.

You may have to deal with a dedicated cable for multiple devices, which means that each cable will fit your gadgets-1-one and only one. If you're not lucky cable Roulette, you'll grasp the cable until you find the right person. If you have to charge everything, you already have a technology octopuses tangled just waiting for you.

But there are ways to transmit power and charging equipment-without the use of cables. There are several products on the market today, you can only use face-down on the pad by setting gadget charging device. Then, as though they were being Bewitched, transferring power from the pad to the device. But it's not magic-it's science!


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Windows 9 Preview Release Expected in February-March 2015

Windows 9 Preview Release Expected in February-March 2015

News coming from Windows rumor is the latest zhenwen, Microsoft plans to release the Windows9 "threshold" Preview on February 3, 2015. There is no indication that this is a developer preview release or public, but since Windows 9 will commence in April 2015, choose the latter possibility seems to be larger.

Windows8, Microsoft BUILD2011 activities launched during the developer preview release in September 2011. The company subsequently announced the Windows8 consumer preview release at the end of February 2012, Windows 8 RTM in August 2012 and hit the consumer PC in October 2012. Not published until June 23, 2013 Windows8.1 open beta, and was released in October. Windows8.1 update (8.1.1) arrived in April 2014.

Use this version of the timetable as reference, Microsoft is expected to launch Windows8.1 update 2 (window 8.1.2) this fall, brings many new features, such as the revised (and beloved), start menu, and the ability to run Windows applications on the desktop. It may also be time periods, when Microsoft released the developer preview version of Windows 9 "threshold".

Latest disclosure from these Windows leak, who posted the screenshot (check the screenshot above) in  My Digital Life forums, which are internal documents from Microsoft, we recommend Windows9, preview will be released sometime around 2015 from February to March, and a note on the image that says, "Windows 9 Windows preview version of 2015-02-03. ”

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Human-Robot Relations

Human-Robot Relations

Human-Robot Relations: Why We Shouldn't Fear Intelligent Bots

Washington-some people will assume that a perilous future, intelligent humans, and "Terminator" robots taking over the world.  But robots don't have to cost of evolved humans, experts said.  

"Operation aimed at making human beings are capable of," lilasen only people of Maryland engineering AnthroTronix, Chief Executive of the company, Ltd-here for a two-day conference hosted by Smithsonian magazine audience, called "come in here," science fiction, space and technology in the future. 

International space station up to surgery, already there is some amazing feats, human-computer interaction should also enable cognitive and emotional capacity,
said Sen.

"What technology allows us to do in the future, or what forced us to do? "Larsen said.She foresaw positive developments. "I'm a technology optimist.

"Larsen grew into a so-called manufacturer, for children with
cerebral palsy to create robots. Then in consumer electronics
a small spurt of progress.  Larson began to develop robots can work with children suffering from autism. Today, the wear resistance of high technology and rapid advances in computing power.One area that can take full advantage of these technologies, Larson asked in health and medicine.

 When a man went to the doctor, the doctor will take their own temperature, measuring their height and weight, and take their blood.At present, the smart phones help people eliminate lost time as they try to navigate an unfamiliar or complex place, such as the New York City subway system. In the future, the robot administrator, similar to the 2012 movies robots Frank "robots and Frank", can help the elderly against intelligence decreases. 

If this robot can keep a human being a keen mind, they can fundamentally alter the aging process, Larson said. Larson's father was showing signs of cognitive impairment, and was diagnosed with sleep apnea, a disease, sleep respiratory damage and prevent inadequate oxygen in the brain. A machine called CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) keeps her dad Today, the wear resistance of high technology and rapid advances in computing power.One area that can take full advantage of these technologies, Larson asked in health and medicine. When a man went to the doctor,the doctor will take their own temperature, measuring their height and weight, and take their blood pressure.  But how to measure the mental health? "We missed our brains," Larson said.  

If doctors can track brain health over time,they can detect changes, such as a concussion, depression or Alzheimer's disease.Mind-reading technology may in the near future, brain-computer interfaces are becoming more and more complex, Larson said. 

What if in the near future,
smartphones can record a person's emotions

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How to Play Hopscotch

How to Play Hopscotch
How to Play Hopscotch

1.Draw 8 squares on the ground as shown in the diagram. 

2.Throw a stone or a dried mango seed on to square one.

3.Hop on to the 2nd square and continue .Keep both feet down when you reach a double square. 

4.On the way back the players picks the stone without stepping on to that square. 

5.Repeat the process till you finish all the squares. 

6.When all the squares are completed one throws the stone on to the semicircle and then the player hops on to it,picks up the stone and turns his /her back to the squares and throws the stone over the head.If it falls onto a square that square belongs to that player and can be used as a resting place for that player only. The other players can`t step onto that square. 

7.This is repeated till all the squares are taken. 

8.Then the next player gets the chance. 

9.A player is pronounced `out`
  • If a player steps on a line, 
  • If the stone falls a line, 
  • If the stone falls outside the squares. 

There are variations in different regions.
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