Local Area Networks(LAN)

Local Area Networks(LAN)

Local Area Networks(LAN)

 Local Area Networks are arranged within limited space such as in an office room,within building.The computers within a LAN are connected to a server that has applications and data storage that will be shared in common by multiple computer users.A local area network may serve as few as two or three users(for Example: in a home network ) or many as thousands of users(for Example: in an FDDI network).

A LAN server can store set of application programs,where users who need an application frequently can download it at once and then run it from their local hard disk.Users can order printing and other services as and when needed through applications run on the LAN server.A user can share files with others at the LAN server.

Stay tuned for next post about WAN.................
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About Networks

About Networks


 Hello hello... guys today I start my first post about  LAN WAN MAN VAN posts.stay tuned with us.So, what are they LAN WAN MAN VAN.These are Communication networks categorizes.Communication networks may be categorized in to four distinct groups depending upon the physical or geographical areas that they cover.These groups are :
  • Local Area Networks (LAN)
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)
  • Value Added Networks (VAN)

Basic communication are normally organized into a system or network and the design of these communications networks varies greatly depending upon  the general applications for which they are used.Different designs are used for different geographical,cost and operational requirements,which in turn dictate the type and range of equipment used.

Data communication systems are the electronic system that transmit Data Over communication lines from one location to another.

Previously telecommunications meant voice transmission over telephone lines.Today,much of telecommunication transmission is digital,from one computer to another computer.

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System Software

System Software

System Software

This  section covers all Operating System and other Utilities,which is a set of programs,which controls and contributes to the improvement of performance of the Computer and also System Software co-ordinates the various parts of the Computer System and mediates between Applictions Software and Computer Hardware.

These include Operating System,like Microsoft DOS,Windows 95,UNIX and NOVELL.

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Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange is the direct computer-to-computer exchange of standard business transaction documents such as purchase orders,bills of loading,invoices,and etc.EDI saves money and time because transaction can be transmitted from one information system to anther through telecommunication network,eliminating printing and handing of paper.EDI also provides some benefits like,customers or distributors to remain"Locked in" with the organization due to easiness of data exchange. 
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What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?

What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?
What is the difference between a PC and a Mac?
 The Apple Mac is a different type of a Computer based on a  different architecture,but it i not a PC.It needs some special Operating system to operate the machine and different kinds of Application Software.Mac OS is the primary Operating system of Apple Computer`s line of Personal Computers.The first version was released with the original "Thin" Macintosh(l.e the Macintosh 128k) in 1984.Mac OS also supports the Graphical User Interface feature with a different style.Apple has recently transitioned from its original code base to Mac OS X, a very different Operating System based on Unix and the Mac micro kernel.These computer are more suitable for Graphics and Animation work.
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Software Privacy

Software Privacy
Software Privacy

 Software piracy is making copies of software without the authors`approval.Software that has been produced with major investments may be available elsewhere at a fraction of the cost.This would create a major set back for the developer for not getting the income for what they invested.

CDs having no product key values,software license details,user manuals,low quality printed letters on the CD,and less price are some of the features that can be useful to identify forged software available on CDs.

Many measures have taken to overcome this matter,Copyright law is the primary weapon that is used to handle this problem
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The practice of medicine is based on diagnosis and treatment.A hundred years ago,the physician felt the pulse and came to various conclusions about illnesses.

He had only a few instruments to diagnose a disease.Within the last A hundred years, medical technology developed.Now the physician has sophisticated medical instruments to diagnose diseases.

X-ray machine that was invented in 1895, came into regular use.It was invented by Wilhelm Rontgen.With the help of this machine the doctors were able to see the inside of the body and diagnose diseases.In 1973 the CAT scan machine was invented.With this invention medical science was revolutionized.The patient is kept inside the machine and the body is scanned by X-ray.

The E.C.G machine was invented during the last century.It is used to find out how the heart works.The damage caused by a heart attack can be measured on this machine.

Medical technology continues to develop very rapidly.Today the changes of the body can be observed and measured.These findings are the key to diagnosing diseases and deciding treatment.

Medical science and technology has developed so much that surgeons transplant organs from one body to another.Kidney transplantation was first attempted in 1902.Today it is a well established operation.Heart transplantation was first performed in South Africa,in 1967.It was done by the surgeon,Christian Barnard.

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The Microprocessor

The Microprocessor
 The Microprocessor

 The Microprocessor is the brain of the computer,which is developed in many years using different technologies.A microprocessor also know as the CPU or Central Processing Unit is a collection of complex circuits on a single chip.The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004,Introduced in 1971.The 4004 was not very powerful,all it could do was add and subtract,and it could only do that 4 bits at a time.

The first microprocessor to make it into a home computer was the Intel 8080,a complete 8-bit computer on one chip,Introduced in 1974.The first microprocessor to make a real change in the industry was the Intel 8088,Introduced in 1979,and incorporated into the IBM PC(which first appeared around 1982). Then it evolved from the 8088 to the 80286 then to the 80386 then to the 80486 then to the Pentium then to the Pentium 2 then to the Pentium 3 then to the Pentium 4. All of these microprocessors were made by Intel and all of them are improvements on the basic design of the 8088The Pentium 4 can execute any piece of code that ran on the original 8088,but it does it about 5,000 times faster!

Coming soon about New Microprocessor post.stay connected with US

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Data Protection

Data Protection
Data Protection
The development of computer related processing and manipulation of data has crated a new value upon the data of business organization.The data,which are stored in computers can be easily used,altered or applied for somebody else`s purpose.The data protection prevents this by adopting Data Protection Principles and Data Protection acts. 

Data Protection Principles:
  1. Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
  2. Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes,and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
  3. Personal data shall be adequate,relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed.
  4. Personal data shall be accurate and,where necessary,kept up to date.
  5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purposes those purposes.
  6. Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act.
  7. Appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be taken against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction or damage to personal data.
  8. Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedom of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.
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Dial-up Connection

Dial-up Connection
Dial-up Connection


When you use modem to connect to the Internet,you are using a dial-up
connection.Most dial-up connections through and ISP are either Serial Line Internet Protocol(SLIP)or Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) connections.

  • Serial Line Internet Protocol(SLIP)
A dial-up connections that allows a computer to connect to connect to the Internet over a phone line and use all the graphic Internet tools available.
  • Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP)    
An improved version of SLIP.If and ISP offers you a choice of a SLIP or a PPP connection,choose PPP.
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The System Security

The System Security
The System Security
  Hello visitors these days I post very useful posts to you. so, don`t forget give your comment and follow that posts.Now lets see what`s the today post today post is The system security.
    This is a to take care of Hardware,Software and Data of your computer in thee aspects.
Hardware(Physical) Security

This is to make sure that computer devices are properly used with care and also to prevent physical damages.This can be done by adopting;


  • A Suitable environment-A fitted air condition room with   no dust.
  • Fire alarms and smoke alarms.
  • Maintaining a report of serial numbers of devices,that can help to notify
  • Regular cleaning of devices to remove dust particles.
Software Security

To protect the software of the computer the following activities can be done;
  • Using User Logins and Passwords
  • Using and Updating Anti-Virus software programs
  • Backing up your computer using a  backup programs
  • Data Encryption-This is a process of converting data of a computer into some other from before sending to a another computer.At the receiving end data has to be decoded into a usable format.
 Enjoy stay connected future...........
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Network Security

Network Security
Network Security

    The first level of network security is the use of user accounts to allow only authorized users access the network.Without an account,a computer user cannot log in and cannot use the network environment.User IDs are not usually secret but passwords represent another level of security and are secret.Privileges are the next level of security defense.The specific privileges you can assign to users depend on the network operating system.E.g.:System.Operator etc.Privileges control what a user can do on a network-wide basis.Access rights let you fine-tune your network security by controlling specific file operations for specific users.E.g.:read,write,delete etc.Physical security includes locking the door to the computer room,locking the computer,etc.

Methods employed to protect networks from unauthorized access:
  • Encryption 
  • Firewalling


 It is important that sensitive and secret information should be encoded to reduce the chances of any damage to the organizational data in case if the system`s security is broken and information is accessed.
If information is encoded,any information stolen is useless without the Knowledge of how to decode that information.

       The basic idea of a firewall is to prevent uses external to the organisation from accessing the internal network.This is achieved using routers and computer to filter access to the network.

                Internal user`s requests to external facilities,such as the World Wide Web(WWW),are allowed to pass through the firewall,but requests origination from users external to the organization are blocked by the firewall.

            Although the Firewalling technique is an excellent menthod of protection from the external threats posed to a network,there are number of problems that must be looked at to ensure that the network is capable of providing enough flexibility to meet modern needs.

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How to Use Windows 8

How to Use Windows 8
How to Use Windows 8
       No one likes to read the manual.And with Windows 8.it`s moot point:install your new operating system,or buy a new PC,and you of course,but anyone who has spent time trying to get to grips with a new OS will understand that to unlock its full potential.It pays to take time understanding how things work.And very few computing platforms are as radical in their development as is Windows 8.
Fortunately.if you are reading my posts  you have already taken the opportunity to learn more.On every post I take on important computing tasks etc.
I provide The complete guide windows 8 pdf file my last post click here read and download it.Come here every day in provide you very useful information.Do not forgot give your follow and comments for this.
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 Eyestrain can be experienced as burning,tightness,sharp pains,dull pains,watering,blurring,double vision,headaches,and other sensations,depending on the person.This health hazard can overcome by using proper screen setting and seating postures.

  • Locate the monitor at least 25 inches from the eyes,or more
  • Hold your finger at arm`s length.Bring it slowly towards your nose,following it with your eyes.
  • Locate the entire viewing area of the monitor between 15 and 50 below horizontal eye level(lower monitor placement can increase the acceptable options that users have for neck movement)
  • Control outside light with blinds and shades.Keep ambient light levels low and supplement with task lighting.
  • Set dark letters on a light background.
  • Use Ergonomic Chairs as following 
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About Windows 8

About Windows 8
 If you`re coming to windows 8 with no experience or expectation.be prepared for a shock.Windows 8 is different,it works in a different way,and it`s aimed at a different set of devices than any previous iteration of Microsoft`s PC operating system.in fact,it could be argued that the introduction of Windows 8 signals the death of the `PC` as we know it.And that may be no bad thing.
By designing and building its new operating system in the way it has,Microsoft has acknowledge that the era of being tied to a single desktop computer is over.Windows 8 works just as well as on a tablet or laptop as it does on super-powered workstation.It does this by having a redesigned interface that`s suited to both touch and mouse and keyboard input,and by keeping the system requirements low to improve performance and battery life on even portable computers,Indeed,combined with Intel`s lvy Bridge processors,Windows 8 PCs will be the most power efficient and portable Windows computers ever.

But everyone likes change.for all those who rush to embrace the latest technology,there are plenty who see value in the mantra of if it ain`t broke,don`t fix it.The enduring popularity of XP bears testament to that.If that sounds like you:fear not.You`re reading the right publication to help you get to grips with Windows 8,regardless of your technical experience.

Now a time looking more about Widows 8. I provide you The complete Guide to window 8 as a pdf file.Click here to download and start your Windows 8 journey.
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Advantages of using a GUI

Advantages of using a GUI
Advantages of using a Graphical User Interface

1.All programs look similar.

2.Transition is very easy when switching from a program supplied by one manufacturer to one from a different manufacturer.

3.Application programs work in the same way as the underlying Operating System.

4.The Graphical User interface also programmers to easily write    consistent looking programs.
Visitors plz comment about Advantages of using a Graphical User interface.I think you know something about it.
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How to save money on data chagers in your mobile

How to save money  on data chagers in your mobile

Hello !!!!!! visitors today I talk about your save money mobile browser.I think it`s very important for you.I think you experience
this browser. 

Opera's mobile browsers are the smart choice for browsing on expensive wireless data plans. Using Opera Mini or Opera Mobile to browse the web with your mobile phone can save you money on your phone bills,and you can protect your data package more time. Opera Mini uses only a tenth of the bandwidth of other browsers, compressing webpages by up to 90%. With Opera Mobile, turning on Opera Turbo compresses data by up to 80%, or leave Opera Turbo off to get full website data, as you would on a PC.Ha...Ha....Haa it think you will enjoy it. 

Oh. i forgot.....Do you want your save money browser click here download it.
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Satellite Microwave

Satellite Microwave
Satellite Microwave 
 A satellite consists of several transponders(frequency bands),which receive signals from one frequency band.This action is called up-link.After this action,the satellite will amplify or repeat the signals to the other frequency band.This action is called down-link.A satellite link is like a microwave link.Satellite will link two or more ground stations,like point-to-point link or broadcast link.The most important applications for satellite communication will be long-distance telephone transmission,private business networks,and television distribution.
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Data Communication Services

Data Communication Services
Public Switched Data Network(PSDN)

In public switched data network all data to be transmitted is first assembled into one or more message units.called packets.These packets include both the source and the destination network address.The destination is determined by the destination address within the packet,where the packet will be finally passed to the destination.

Integrated Service Digital Network(ISDN) 

ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network)is a fully digital transmission over ordinary telephone copper wire as well as over other media.Home and business users who install an ISDN adapter(in place of a modem)can see highly graphic Web pages arriving very quickly(up to 128Kbps).ISDN requires adapter at both ends of the transmission so your access provider also needs an ISDN adapter.


There are two levels of service:the Basic Rate Interface(BRI)intended for the home and small enterprise,and the Primary Rate Interface(PRI),for larger organizations.
                                                                               USB modem

ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for transmitting digital information at a high bandwidth on existing phone lines to homes and businesses.
Unlike regular dial up phone service,ADSL provides continuously available,"always on" connection.ADSL simultaneously accommodates analog(voice) information on the same line.ADSL is generally offered at downstream data rates from 512Kbps to about 6 Mbps.
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Satellite Communication

Satellite Communication
Hello visitors!!!!!!!!!!!Read following and up your Knowledge..
Have you looked at the sky on a cloudless clear night?What do you see there high up in the sky?There are millions of stars hiding the secrets of the universe.Among them them,if you look at the sky very carefully for sometime,you can see blinking stars moving from north to south or south to north and you will understand that their movement is very fast.What are they?Why are they moving so fast They are man made stars;they are called artificial satellites.

So.....I think to post today satellite Communication................An artificial satellite is a spacecraft.It is orbits the Earth at a fixed distance.Artificial satellite are sent to space on various purposes such as communication,remote sensing,military purpose,space astronomy.However,the main purpose of satellites is communication.They bring the world together.It is with the help of communication satellites that  we enjoy the thrill of Olympic Games,World cup football,Asians Games or the World Cup Cricket Finals How does CNN or BBC news come to us?How does the weather forecast come to us?They all are communicated with the help of satellites orbiting the Earth.

The first artificial satellite,Sputnik 1 was launched by Soviet Russia(USSR) on 4th October 1957.It was a competition between the USSR and the United States of America(USA) at the beginning.Later,other countries like France,China,India,,and japan too started launching their own satellites for various purposes,mainly for communication.In 1945 the honored Sri Lankan citizen Arthur C.Clarkemade a very famous statement about making communication possible with countries all over the world with the help of a spacecraft orbiting the Earth.The world became a single village as a result of satellite of satellite communication.There are commercial communication satellites like TEL STAR,INTELSAT etc.providing communication facilities for the whole world.

 Geostationary satellites orbit the Earth at a distance of 35900 Km and take 24 hours to orbit.That`s why they appear almost at the same time of the day in the sky.If you observe the sky for a few days you will be able to see these artificial starts orbiting the Earth every day at the same time.At the moment there are more than 3000 satellites orbiting the Earth.

 All these satellites communicate with communication stations build at various places on the Earth.Dish antennas are used to communicate between a satellite and communication center.In countries where there are satellite television services people can receive T.V.program-mes telecast by hundreds of T.V. stations all over the world with the help of a dish antenna.
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Classification of OS

Classification of OS
Classification of Operating System

 One possible classification is based on the number of users and tasks as given bellow:

Single user and single tasking

Allows a single user to operate the machine in an interactive conversational mode but normally allows only one user program to be in the main storage and processed time.
  • Example:MS DOS

Single user and multi tasking

Allows a single user to operate the machine in an interactive conversational mode and allows more than one user program to be in the main storage.
  • Example:MS windows

Multi user Multi tasking

A multi user system has a powerful processor with central data program storage connected to a number of dumb terminals.
  • For super personal computer multi user environment -SCO UNIX,ZENIX
  • For mini and Mainframe Computer environment-UNIX,SSP,OS/400,VSE/SP,VM
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Facebook shortcuts

Facebook shortcuts
 Facebook Shortcuts For Mozilla Firefox Browser
 Keys                             Actions
Shift + Alt + M              Send a new message 
Shift + Alt + ?               Search
Shift + Alt + 0               For open help page
Shift + Alt + 1               Go to Home
Shift + Alt + 2               Open your profile
Shift + Alt + 3               Find friends
Shift + Alt + 4               Messages
Shift + Alt + 5               Open notification
Shift + Alt + 6               Change settings
Shift + Alt + 7               Go to Privacy settings
Shift + Alt + 8               Go to Facebook Head profile
Shift + Alt + 9               To terms and Condition
L                                   Like/Unlike on Light mode Picture

 Facebook Shortcuts For Google Chrome Browser
Keys                  Actions
Alt + M              Send a new message 
Alt + ?               Search
Alt + 0               For open help page
Alt + 1               Go to Home
Alt + 2               Open your profile
Alt + 3               Find friends 
Alt + 4               Messages
Alt + 5               Open notification
Alt + 6               Change settings
Alt + 7               Go to Privacy settings
Alt + 8               Go to Facebook Head profile
Alt + 9               To terms and Condition
L                       Like/Unlike on Light mode Picture

Facebook Shortcuts For Internet explore Browser
  Keys                              Actions
Alt + M + Enter              Send a new message 
Alt + ?  +  Enter             Search
Alt + 0  +  Enter             For open help page
Alt + 1  +  Enter             Go to Home
Alt + 2  +  Enter             Open your profile
Alt + 3  +  Enter             Find friends 
Alt + 4  +  Enter             Messages
Alt + 5  +  Enter             Open notification
Alt + 6  +  Enter             Change settings
Alt + 7  +  Enter             Go to Privacy settings
Alt + 8  +  Enter             Go to Facebook Head profile
Alt + 9  +  Enter             To terms and Condition
L                                         Like/Unlike on Light mode Picture
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How to change Logon screen Easily windows 7

How to change Logon screen Easily windows 7

Hello Visitors see top up picture, you see this every day when you start your computer with windows 7.I am going to post today how to change your windows 7 Logon screen as the following

Have different ways to changes logon page. I post today easily way for you.I provide small software for it.Click here to download.

Do you have any problem put your comment.
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u Torrent download

u Torrent download

 uTorrent is very small software but it is very use full software you can download  any software,songs,movie,etc.easily.so I post you how to download torrent file step by step see this.

 1.You search as a following your download item

click to large
2.Then you will receive a file on these web sites as a following 

click to large
 3.You can open torrent file on U torrent software 
 click to large
4.Then you will receive download complete message.So you can open you download item.
                                    If you don’t have uTorrent yet, get it.Do you have any problem plz comment.
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User Interface OS.2

User Interface OS.2
User Interface

Hello!!!!! visitors today I post about User Interface, i think it important for you..

The user interface is what you see when you start a computer.The user interface is comprised with a set of easy to use commands,icons,menus,etc.This is the main source of the work the computer to get something done.Basically there are two types of user interfaces;

1.Command Line Interface
2.Graphical User Interface(GUI)

Command Line Interface

In command line interface,the user has to enter commands through the keyboard to get something done from the computer.The main draw back of this method is that the user should remember the commands and their syntaxes.Any wrong commend will display an error massage on the screen.Another drawback is different commands are used to do the same task for many software applications,resulting a command mix up.

Graphical User Interface(GUI)

Users communicate with the OS and other Software Applications through the interfaces containing  icons,buttons,bars,menus and boxes etc.,to work with the computer.The main advantage is that,the users need not remember the commands and syntaxes to execute a job(s) withing computer.
GUI-short for Graphical User Interface,a GUI uses icons and menus to carry out commands such as openings files,deleting files,moving files,etc. A GUI OS is often operated using the mouse however,it also allows keyboard shortcuts or arrow keys to be used navigation.

GUI OS have become very popular because of their ease of use and because it does not require the user to memorize commands that are used with non GUI OS such as DOS or UNIX.

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Operating Systems OS.1

Operating Systems OS.1
Operating Systems(OS)

Hello! visitors today I think discuss about OS.It important to all computer users,etc..
The system software that manages and controls the activities of the computer.Operating system decides which computer resource will be used,which computer program will be run,and the order in which the activities take place.An Operating System performs three main functions.

1.Allocation and Assignment of system Resources

The Operating System allocates resources to the application jobs in the execution sequence.It provides locations in primary memory for data and programs and controls I/O devices.


Many other functions or activities will be carried out at the same time while you are working with Computer.The Operating System decides when to schedule the jobs and when to execute them.
For example; while a program running.the Operating System schedules the use of input,and output devices.


OS monitors the activities of the Computer system and it keeps a track of each computer job;like what programs are used,at what time,etc.Most of the OS are actually stored in a disk where primary storage has easy access to it.Whenever parts of the OS are required by activated application,it is transferred to the main storage and gets loaded to it.
There are number of different types of OS in common use.The IBM PC(Personal Computer) was introduced way back in 1981 and was originally supplied with an OS called DOS (Disk Operating System)later on,Microsoft introduced Windows and this is the OS that is most widely used in PCs,Laptops,TAB,Mobile phones,etc.today.

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