Network Security
Methods employed to protect networks from unauthorized access:
- Encryption
- Firewalling
It is important that sensitive and secret information should be encoded to reduce the chances of any damage to the organizational data in case if the system`s security is broken and information is accessed.
If information is encoded,any information stolen is useless without the Knowledge of how to decode that information.
The basic idea of a firewall is to prevent uses external to the organisation from accessing the internal network.This is achieved using routers and computer to filter access to the network.
The basic idea of a firewall is to prevent uses external to the organisation from accessing the internal network.This is achieved using routers and computer to filter access to the network.
Internal user`s requests to external facilities,such as the World Wide Web(WWW),are allowed to pass through the firewall,but requests origination from users external to the organization are blocked by the firewall.
Although the Firewalling technique is an excellent menthod of protection from the external threats posed to a network,there are number of problems that must be looked at to ensure that the network is capable of providing enough flexibility to meet modern needs.
good job... keep it up :)