The System Security

The System Security
  Hello visitors these days I post very useful posts to you. so, don`t forget give your comment and follow that posts.Now lets see what`s the today post today post is The system security.
    This is a to take care of Hardware,Software and Data of your computer in thee aspects.
Hardware(Physical) Security

This is to make sure that computer devices are properly used with care and also to prevent physical damages.This can be done by adopting;


  • A Suitable environment-A fitted air condition room with   no dust.
  • Fire alarms and smoke alarms.
  • Maintaining a report of serial numbers of devices,that can help to notify
  • Regular cleaning of devices to remove dust particles.
Software Security

To protect the software of the computer the following activities can be done;
  • Using User Logins and Passwords
  • Using and Updating Anti-Virus software programs
  • Backing up your computer using a  backup programs
  • Data Encryption-This is a process of converting data of a computer into some other from before sending to a another computer.At the receiving end data has to be decoded into a usable format.
 Enjoy stay connected future...........

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